Thursday, November 28, 2013

Why adoption.

Many want to know. What in our right minds would lead us to adopt two orphans. 

Well, if you met my husband and I in college you likely would not have labeled us future adoptive parents, per say. I can only speak for myself here, but I think I may not have struck you as someone thinking about their future family. Then we all grow up, and quickly realize that life on Earth is much shorter than we would like to think. 

Early in our marriage Evan and I realized that we may be living our Plan B rather than our Plan A because sometimes the plan you feel called to live just seems too risky, too costly or too difficult. If you look for an excuse you will always find one, don't let what you can't do keep you from doing what you can.(@markbatterson)

I was reminded today by my friend Ericka that we are to do for ONE what we wish we could do for ALL

Every year we get inspiration from our church during their A1:8 series. Calling us to go out and do what Jesus did, wherever we are. Reminding me that although the statistics are staggering:  5.2 million orphans, which has increased 29% from 2005-2009, the way you change a statistic is by changing a story, one at a time.

There are many American children who need homes but that's not where Evan and I have been led at this time. We are often asked, wouldn't that have been less costly, couldn't you have completed your adoption more quickly? Yes, but that is not what adoption is about, it's one of the hardest acts of love. It is doing for another what God did for us. We are all broken people and God loves us enough to adopt us into His family. For us it is simply living God's plan, the gospel costs nothing but demands everything.

I sometimes want to ask God, if He brought us here why wouldn't He help us financially? He is already answering that daily when He shows me each and every person our story is touching when they feel the calling to help. God can accomplish more in one day than we can accomplish in an entire lifetime. Stay faithful.( @markbatterson)

If you want to help you can donate here or join our Facebook group 150 Envelopes, and take an envelope.

God Bless

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